Going to the #BloggersBall

Hi everyone!!

Today’s post is about my first Bloggers ball/meetup/ convention or whatever term you choose to use. It is basically an event with a lot of bloggers, brands and exhibitors.


So, let me tell you all about it. But first, a bit of background info! I am in the UK now (as I said in my last post). I arrived last Friday and stayed a couple of days in London. I had a really good time in London. I went for some nice meals in China town an in Kingly court.

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I got to check out Liberty ( a store in London that sells designer brands and more eclectic makeup). I went to the National Portrait Gallery (which is amazing).

As I said at the beginning of this post, during my stay I also went to the Bloggers Ball and it was a very interesting experience. Let me start by saying that this was my first Bloggers ball/convention/ meetup.

How I found out about the Bloggers Ball

Easy. I googled “blogger events in London” and it showed up. I went to the website that had details about the event, bought some tickets, and went to the Ball.

Why I wanted to go

I wanted to meet people who do the same thing as I. I wanted to see what it’s like to talk to brands and I live in Greece and these things do not happen on my little island, so I am deffo gonna take advantage of any opportunity I have whilst in the UK.

The Bloggers Ball

The dress code was formal/semi formal. I got dressed up (just a bit) and went. There was a cloak room to leave any clothing/ extras (aka umbrellas). Once I entered the venue, I realised this event was packed and there were loads of things to see. There were many exhibitors from different brands. I learnt a lot about brands I had never heard of before, got to speak with people from these brands and also got samples.


They had lots of stands and they were exhibiting their products/ services. I got to give them my business card which was great.

I didn’t talk to any bloggers though! So, I will try to be a bit more sociable next time. You see I went with a friend and I was chatting with her and not really talking to other girls there.

I think this was a great event and I wonderful opportunity to get in touch with brands especially if you are a small blogger like me.

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I will be attending events in London and Sheffield in July and I am really looking forward to that. I will also be posting mini reviews about some of the free samples I got in my next posts so stay tuned!!

So, that’s all lovelies!

Time to beg for followers. Subscribe to my blog if you liked what you read. It does put a smile on my face. Maybe give my Facebook page a ‘like’ so you can get notifications of when I post? Connect with me onPinterest / Twitter/ Instagram/Google+.

Talk soon



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